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Surviving a Suicide
Grieving: What to expect when a loved one has died by suicide?
Know that this may be the worst you will ever feel. You may experience many different emotions, some of them all at once: denial, shock, confusion, guilt, anger, and PAIN — this is very normal. It is important to know that you can SURVIVE the pain. There may be times when you don’t think you can, but it is possible.
Survivor Support Groups offer an opportunity for people who have lost a loved one by suicide to connect with other survivors in a safe and healing environment.
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SOLACE Newsletter
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A publication for Survivors of Suicide. Sponsored by the Alachua County Crisis Center. You can read current and past issues on the Alachua County Crisis Center web site.

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Find a Support Group Near YOU !
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To find a Support Group in your area go to Support Groups, then go to Find a Support Group Near You.

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Memory Tree of Lights
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The “Memory Tree of Lights” is a ministry which focuses on the Christmas holiday season and provides comfort, education, intervention and hope to people whose lives have been impacted by the loss of someone to suicide and who are overwhelmed by this loss during the Christmas season.

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Survivors of Law Enforcement Suicide
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To promote awareness on the epidemic of Law Enforcement PTSD & Suicide, Call: 239-541-1151

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Lifekeeper Memory Quilts
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Lifekeeper Quilts are not to memorialize or glamorize suicide, but to give memory to the value and dignity of the life of our loved one that has been lost to suicide.
AFSP’s Memory Quilt Program was founded by the late Sandy Martin in 1995 following the loss of her son, Tony, to suicide.