National Suicide Statistics

National Suicide Statistics

2013 USA Suicide: Official Final Data Number Per Day Rate Rate % of Deaths
National 41,149 112.7 13.0 1.6
Males 32,055 87.8 20.6 2.5
Females 9,094 24.9 5.7 0.7
Whites 37,154 101.8 14.9 1.7
Nonwhites 3,995 10.9 6.0 1.1
Blacks 2,353 6.4 5.4 0.8
Elderly (65+) 7,215 19.8 16.1 0.4
Young (15-24) 4,878 13.4 11.1 17.1
Middle Age (46-64) 15,756 43.2 19.0 3.1

15 Leading Causes of Death USA – 2014

1 Diseases of the heart (heart disease) 192.7 614,348
2  Malignant neoplasm’s (cancer) 185.6 591,699
3 Chronic lower respiratory diseases 46.1 147,101
4 Accidents (unintentional injuries) 42.7 136,053
5 Cerebrovascular diseases (stroke) 41.7 133,103
6 Alzheimer’s disease 29.3 93,541
7 Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) 24.0 76,488
8 Influenza & Pneumonia 17.3 55,227
9 Nephritis, nephrosis (kidney disease) 15.1 48,146
10 SUICIDE (intentional Self-Harm) 13.4 42,773
11 Septicemia 12.2 38,940
12 Chronic liver diseases & cirrhosis 12.0 38,170
13 Essential hypertension & renal disease 9.5 30,221
14 Parkinson’s disease 8.2 26,150
15 Pneuomonitis due to solids and liquids 5.9 18,792
All other causes (Residual) 168.0 535,666
Total 823.7 2,626,418
17 Homicide 5.0 15,809


The Suicide Prevention Resource Center Update

Source: SPRC

The Suicide Prevention Resource Center has posted updated data fact sheets to their website. The fact sheets describe statistics on deaths by suicide, estimated hospitalized attempts, and data on medical costs, work loss costs, gender, race/ethnicity, age and method.