
A Journey Toward Health and Hope:

Your Handbook for Recovery After a Suicide Attempt

This handbook guides people through the first steps toward recovery and a hopeful future after a suicide attempt. Includes personal stories from survivors who share their experiences as well as strategies, such as re-establishing connections and finding a counselor to work with.

The Way Forward

We highly recommend the resources listed at the end of “The Way Forward:”

Support Groups

List of all known attempt survivor support groups: All Support Group

Suicide Prevention Australia position statement

This helped set Australia’s focus on the issue.”

A Journey Toward Health and Hope:
Your Handbook for Recovery After a Suicide Attempt

How can you help

Here’s a guide: Help guide

Manual for Support Groups

This detailed guide by Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services in Los Angeles has been listed in the Suicide Prevention Resource Center’s best practice registry. Manual for Support Groups for Suicide Attempt Survivors

The Center for Dignity, Recovery & Empowerment

This San Francisco organization headed by division member Eduardo Vega is pioneering a number of projects for attempt survivors, including a support group and speakers’ bureau: Dignity, Recovery & Empowerment


A guide

A Guide for Taking Care of Your Family Member After Treatment in the Emergency Department.

After an Attempt

The emotional impact of suicide attempts on families, by division member Heidi Bryan:

Beyond Blue

This Australia organization has produced this guide for loved ones: Beyondblue – Support after a suicide attempt

Attempt Survivors in the Media

We work well with the media. Contact the division director, Dr. DeQuincy Lezine, at [email protected]

Our emergence has received some high-profile coverage. A few examples:


Personal Stories

The federal government (SAMHSA) is publishing a booklet for attempt survivors drawing on personal interviews.

  • Live Through This: A national series of portraits of attempt survivors, by division member Dese’Rae Stage:
    Live through this
  • Talking About Suicide: Dozens of interviews with attempt survivors, by division member Cara Anna:
    Talking about suicide


Can You Hear Me Now? New voices of attempt survivors

A panel at the AAS conference in 2014, featuring division members Dese’Rae Stage, Samatha Nadler, Misha Kessler and Craig Miller:


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Now Matters Now

A skills training program for people who’ve been suicidal by division member Ursula Whiteside:

A voice at the table

A 30-minute video on attempt survivors featuring division members Craig Miller, Dese’Rae Stage and Cara Anna. Original content available here: Watch this video, people


The S word

A documentary trailer on division members and attempt survivors, by an Academy Award Winning Team. Original content available here: To boldy talk about suicide


Break the silence for suicide attempt survivors

Original content available here:

Confession of a depressed comic

Original content available here: