
Join Florida Suicide Prevention Coalition

Membership fee

Individuals: $25.00/year

Why join FSPC ?

  • A signed certificate of membership
  • Eligibility for member discounts at FSPC conferences and trainings

FSCP benefits include:

  • To be part of a statewide grassroots organization that gives voice to the many concerns (or critical concerns) related to suicide
  • To learn and participate in key efforts for the prevention and awareness of suicide in FL
  • Opportunities to participate in advocacy at the legislative level
  • Access to periodic conference calls which will highlight key research and current issues
  • Discounts to FSPC conferences and trainings

Membershp Form
Online Version

If you want to be member and register by online form, please, fill the required fields below (marked with red asterisk) and hit submit button.

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Membershp Form
Traditional, print version

Membership Form

Click the button below, to download “Membership form”

Click here

How to join ?
Information, download

You may also become a member of FSCP by using traditional, print version of the form. Download the form, print, fill the information and send it to the address stated below.

Florida Suicide Prevention Coalition (FSPC)

Attn: Mr. Rene’ Favreau
710 Valley Forge Rd
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
561-818-3856 c
561-547-1195 h
[email protected]

For more information contact:

Betsey Westuba

Cell: 813-406-4621
[email protected]
Suncoast Yellow Ribbon