Relevant Sites
Youth Suicide Prevention School Based Guide
The goal of the Youth Suicide Prevention School-based Guide (The Guide) is to help secondary schools address youth suicide. This Guide is not a program but a tool that provides a framework for schools to assess their existing or proposed suicide prevention efforts (through a series of checklists) and provides resources and information that school administrators can use to enhance or add to their existing program.
The Guide is based upon a review of the current literature and exemplary
programs and produced in relatively short, separate Issue Briefs (sections)
combined into a pocket folder. Assessment checklists correspond to
particular Issue Briefs to make finding relevant information easier.
Input and reviews were obtained from Florida state administrators (Health,
Education), national experts (Suicide Prevention Resource Center, CDC),
survivors, researchers, school district level staff, and select agencies. This resource is available free online at or use the link below (Read More) to connect to the website.
AFSP’s More Than Sad program
The AFSP More Than Sad program offers two films for purchase and free facilitator tools for three target audiences that includes: high school students, parents, and teachers.
The Trevor Project
Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.
NAMI Ending the Silence
NAMI Ending the Silence helps raise awareness and change perceptions around mental health conditions. Through this free classroom presentation, students get to see the reality of living with a mental health condition. During classroom presentation, a young adult living with mental illness and a family member tell their stories about mental health challenges, including what hurt and what helped. Available through a local NAMI Chapter.
After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools
After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools is an online resource for schools facing the suicide death of a student or other member of the school community. The Toolkit incorporates relevant existing material and research findings as well as references, templates, and links to additional information and assistance.
Florida Association of School Psychologists
The mission of FASP is to promote and advocate for the mental health and educational development of Florida’s children, youth and families in educational systems and communities and to advance the profession of school psychology in the state.
National Center for Education Statistics
Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools
The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide
The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide has a two hour online course for teachers, but also has information for parents and teens.
The Jason Foundation
The Jason Foundation has 5 online free classes for teachers, but also information for parents and teens throughout America are listed for your review.
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Various resources, with specific information about schools.
Florida’s Statewide Office of Suicide Prevention (SOSP)
Sofia Castro, Ed.D, CPP
Suicide Prevention Specialist, Statewide Office of Suicide Prevention
Substance Abuse and Mental Health (SAMH)
Florida Department of Children and Families
1317 Winewood Blvd., Building 6, Room 259
Tallahassee, FL. 32399
[email protected]
Established: July, 2007
Suicide Materials For Loan
Florida Department of Education
Coordinated School Health Resource Center
Florida Department of Education
850-245-0480 (phone)
866-312-6497 (In-state toll free phone)
850-245-5116 (fax)
[email protected]
#310713 Act for Health: Using Theater to Teach Tough Teen Topics. ETR Associates, 1991.
This book assists educators in using theater to promote awareness and discussion of sensitive teen issues. Topics include substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, suicide, and sexual abuse. Over a dozen provocative monologues, rap songs, and scenes written by real students are included. (softcover, 162 pages)
Grade: Middle, High
Format: Print
#310460 Adolescent Suicide: A School-based Approach to Assessment and Intervention. Research Press, 1993.
Designed for educators and counselors, this book presents information on adolescent suicide. Chapters focus on probable causes, suicide risk assessment, depression, interventions, and school crisis teams. (softcover, 175 pages)
Grade: Middle, High
Format: Print
#310739 Day for Night: Recognizing Teenage Depression. Vanderpool Films, 1999.
For teachers and student services personnel, this video describes the signs and symptoms of teenage depression. It does so through interviews with recovering students, parents, and a child psychologist. The different types of depression are explained along with the biological basis and recovery strategies. (25 mins.)
Grade: Middle, High
Format: Video
#312620 Depression and Other Mood Disorders in the School Community (Health in Action, vol. 1, no. 2, November/December, 2002) American School Health Association, 2002.
This issue of “Health in Action” addresses depression as a treatable mental illness. It includes facts about depression, how to respond to depression in middle and high school students, school-based programs to prevent suicide, and information for students and families. (softcover, 23 pages)
Grade: Middle, High
Format: Print
#310673 Dying Is Not an Option: Thinking about Suicide. Human Relations Media, 1996.
In the first part of this video, a series of powerful stories from real young people who have suffered from depression, have attempted suicide, or have lost a family member to suicide is presented. In part two, intended for teachers and counselors, a psychologist specializing in adolescent depression describes the warning signs of suicide. This video is accompanied by a teacher’s guide and student handouts. 58 mins.
Grade: High
Format: Video
#310743 Florida Youth Suicide Prevention Study: Report to the Florida State Legislature — September 1999. University of South Florida, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, Department of Child and Family Studies, 1999.
This report describes the results of a survey of professionals, parents, and youth about suicide and their communities’ attitudes, needs, and resources. Regional resources are listed. (softcover, 125 pages)
Format: Print
#312142.A-C Helping Troubled Youth: The Columbia Teen Screen Suicide Prevention Program. Columbia University, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2002.
This folder contains materials about the Columbia Teen Screen Program, a program that screens teenagers to identify those who are at-risk for suicide and then ensures that they receive treatment. The goal of the program is to establish model screening programs across the country that address the unmet mental health needs of adolescents. The folder contains a booklet, a brochure, and an overview sheet.
Grade: Middle, High
Format: Print
#312113 Kids Count Data Book: State Profiles of Child Well-Being (rev. ed.) Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2004.
This data book is intended to illuminate the conditions facing America’s children and to assess trends in their well-being. The ten key indicators represented are low birth-weight babies percentage; infant mortality rate; child death rate; teen death rate; teen birth rate; high school dropout percentage; teens not attending school and not working; children living in families where no parent has full-time, year-round employment; child poverty; and children in single parent households. (softcover, 212 pages)
Grade: Infant/Toddler (0-2), Prekindergarten (3-4), Middle, High, Elementary
Format: Print
#310701 Mental Health Services in Schools: Journal of School Health Topical Package. American School Health Association, 1999.
This book offers a compilation of 47 articles published in the “Journal of School Health” from 1987 to 1998 on all aspects of school mental health services. The articles cover web resources in school mental health, depression, self-esteem, peer mediation, immigrant youth issues, confidentiality of student records, sexual harassment, school crisis response teams, and bereavement issues. (softcover, 208 pages)
Format: Print
#311399 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: Goals and Objectives for Action. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001.
This document from the U.S. Surgeon General outlines a national strategy to prevent suicide. Among the recommendations is a call for the formation of public/private community partnerships to explore ways to provide mental health support to schools. It also recommends increasing the number of school districts in which school-based clinics incorporate mental health and substance abuse assessment and management into their scope of activities. (softcover, 204 pages)
Format: Print
#310326 Programs for the Prevention of Suicide among Adolescents and Young Adults/Suicide Contagion and the Reporting of Suicide: Recommendations from a National Workshop. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemiology Program Office, 1994.
The first part of this report summarizes eight suicide prevention strategies and provides general recommendations for the development, implementation, and evaluation of suicide prevention programs targeted toward 15 to 24 year-olds. The second part of this report addresses concerns on reducing the possibility of media-related suicide contagion. These recommendations outline general issues that public officials and health and media professionals should consider when reporting about suicide. (softcover, 18 pages)
Format: Print
#312456 Suicide and Depression (Real People Series) Sunburst Visual Media, 2002.
This program provides viewers with essential information about the warning signs of, and the myths about, depression and suicide. Using profiles of real teens, scenarios, and insights from nationally recognized experts, this program sensitizes viewers to the issues of depression and suicide. Best used with students in grades 8-12 and other young adults. (25 mins.)
Grade: Middle, High, Postsecondary
Format: Video
#310548 Suicide Prevention in the Schools: Guidelines for Middle and High School Settings. American Counseling Association, 1994.
Written for counselors and for middle and high school educators, this book offers statistics on youth suicide and explores the dynamics of suicide. It also provides guidelines for early detection of suicidal preoccupation, prevention, and crisis management. (softcover, 127 pages)
Grade: Middle, High
Format: Print
#312146 Suicide: Substance Abuse Resource Guide. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, 2000.
This is a bibliography of materials on the subject of suicide. Some of the materials concern the link between suicide and substance abuse. (softcover, 14 pages)
Format: Print
#310453 Teen Suicide. Cambridge Educational, 1994.
This video helps high school students recognize suicide warning signs, learn the importance of communication, and identify what to do to prevent suicide for themselves or a friend.
Grade: High
Format: Video
#310698 Teen Suicide: I Don’t Really Want to Leave. Lucerne Media, 1996.
Requiring careful teacher previewing, this powerful video is a dramatization of the feelings and emotions of a teenage girl who is contemplating suicide. The viewer will gain insight about adolescent suicide and be able to recognize warning signs a person may be exhibiting. It is also valuable for adults working with teens. 10 mins.
Grade: High
Format: Video
#311525.A When Death Impacts Your School: A Guide for School Administrators. The Dougy Center, 2000.
This is a guidebook about death for school leaders. It provides information appropriate for a school community trying to cope after a death. Strong leadership gives people the sense of security needed to begin the healing process after a death. Included topics are the principal’s role in helping grieving students and staff; responding to a death in the school; a long-term plan relating to six principles of grief; and special considerations about the type of death (from chronic illness, accidental, and stigmatized deaths). (softcover, 56 pages)
Grade: Elementary, Middle, High
Format: Print
#310319 Youth Suicide Prevention Programs: A Resource Guide. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 1992.
This resource guide describes the rationale and evidence for the effectiveness of various youth suicide prevention strategies and identifies model programs that incorporate these different strategies. (softcover, 190 pages)
Format: Print
#312058 Youth Suicide: The School’s Role in Prevention and Response. Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 1999.
This is an excellent source of information on the subject of youth suicide. It is a resource that educators can use in developing efforts to prevent suicide, and when such efforts fail, to effectively respond to the aftermath of a student’s death. (softcover, 89 pages)
Format: Print
Florida Baker Act
Substance Abuse and Mental Health.
A link to the Florida Department of Children and Families regarding information on Florida’s Baker Act.
Agency For Healthcare Adminsistration
The Agency for Health Care Administration is responsible for licensing all hospitals, crisis stabilization units, and residential treatment facilities in Florida.
Florida Intitiative For Suicide Prevention
Jackie Rosen
FISP Executive Director/CEO
2645 Executive Park Drive
Weston, Florida 33331
Phone: (954) 384-0344
Fax: (954) 384-7988
Cell: (954) 465-7115
[email protected] – [email protected]
We service Dade, Broward and Southern Palm Beach Counties
Florida Association of School Psychologists (FASP)
The mission of FASP is to promote and advocate for the mental health and educational development
of Florida’s children, youth and families in educational systems and communities;
and to advance the profession of school psychology in the state.
American Association of Suicidology (AAS)
Promotes research, public awareness programs, and education and training for professionals and volunteers.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
888.333.2377 FREE
Dedicated to advancing our knowledge of suicide and our ability to prevent it.
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
Provide technical assistance, training, and information to strengthen suicide prevention networks and advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. This Center activities enhance national, regional, state, tribal, and local Prevention Networks. – Library catalog
877-438-7772 FREE
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Is a 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention service available to anyone in suicidal crisis. If you need help, please dial 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Toll Free. You will be routed to the closest possible crisis center in your area. With over 120 crisis centers across the country, our mission is to provide immediate assistance to anyone seeking mental health services. Call for yourself, or someone you care about. Your call is free and confidential.
800-273-TALK (8255) Toll Free
Veterans Crisis Line
Connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring VA responders through a confidential hotline, online chat, and text-messaging service. Veterans and their families and friends are encouraged to call.
800-273-8255 Toll Free, and Press 1, chat online at , or text to 838255 to speak with qualified VA professionals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (NSSP)
A collaborative effort of SAMHSA, CDC, NIH, HRSA, IHS.
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program (YRSPP)
Provides information for preventing youth suicide, includes brochures, fact sheets, and statistics on youth suicide.
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE)
Provides information on depression and suicide including a number of educational tools, from brochures, fact sheets, frequently asked questions to support materials for communities to address suicide prevention.
888.511.7283 Toll Free
National Council on Suicide Prevention (NCSP)
To further effective suicide prevention through collaborative activities and information sharing in order to save lives.
National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention
The Action Alliance and represents diverse fields and perspectives needed to advance suicide prevention. The EXCOM is co-chaired by the Honorable Gordon H. Smith, President and CEO of the National Association of Broadcasters, and the Honorable John McHugh, Secretary of the Army.
Survivors of Law Enforcement Suicide (SOLES)
To promote awareness on the epidemic of Law Enforcement PTSD & Suicide.
This is the first exclusive hotline for officers, manned by retired officers in the country.
“Whether you’re on the job or off and feel like there is no one that you can talk to that understands what you’re going through, there’s always a cop on the other end of the line”.
501 Iron Bridge Road #6
Freehold, NJ 07728
Toll Free: (800) 267-5463 FREE, (Copline) ext 8
(732) 577-8300 ext. 8
Fax: (732) 577-9960
E-Mail: [email protected]
National Organization for People of Color Against Suicide, Inc. (NOPCAS)
Provide resources for various communities who see a need for: * support for families who have lost a loved one to suicide, * education for school counselors, clergy, and health care providers on suicide, and * help in creating facilities that focus on prevention, intervention, and postvention.
4715 Sargent Rd. NE
Washington, DC 20017
866-899-5317 FREE.
Suicide Information and Education Centre (SIEC)
Is a library and resource center. The site contains a comprehensive list of suicide prevention resources, crisis support information, and links to helpful suicide sites. SIEC is the quarterly quick reference guide to some of the newest resources in the field of suicide prevention and the publications are available for downloading online.
Project YES Gay Youth Suicide Prevention
INMI is a nationwide non-profit organization based in Boulder, Colorado. We are an interfaith organization, meaning we welcome participation from all faith traditions, and we affirm that spirituality is an important component of recovery from mental illness.
Interfaith Network on Mental Illness (INMI)
INMI is a nationwide non-profit organization based in Boulder, Colorado. We are an interfaith organization, meaning we welcome participation from all faith traditions, and we affirm that spirituality is an important component of recovery from mental illness.
National Hopeline Network – Kristin Brooks Hope Center
Dedicated to suicide prevention, intervention and healing: by providing a single point of entry to community-based crisis services through innovative telephony and internet based technologies; by bringing national attention and access to services for postpartum depression and other women’s mood disorders; through education and advocacy; through formal research and evaluation of crisis line services; and, by championing the need for national funding for community-based suicide prevention crisis services.
800-SUICIDE Toll Free
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)
NAMI is a non-profit, grassroots organization and is dedicated to the eradication mental illnesses and to the improvement of the quality of life of all whose lives are affected by these diseases. NAMI today works to achieve equitable services and treatment for more than 15 million Americans living with severe mental illnesses and their families.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA)
An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
This site is dedicated to the National Strategy and suicide prevention, which offers the public facts about suicide, details of federal, state and private suicide prevention activities, resources for practitioners and researchers, and funding opportunities.
National Center for Injury Prevention & Control (CDC)
An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It provides statistics, publications, health information, and funding announcements.
Injury Maps:
Nonfatal injuries:
State Injury Profile & Indicators Report:
Youth Behavioral Surveillance System:
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System:
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR):
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS):
Nat’l Hospital Discharge and Ambulatory Surgery Data:
Jed Foundation
A web based resource that will provide students with a non-threatening and supportive link to their respective college’s mental health center as well as important mental health information.
National Association of School Psychologist (NASP)
The National Association of School Psychologists represents and supports school psychology through leadership to enhance the mental health and educational competence of all children.
US Surgeon General
Institute of Medicine (IOM)
The mission is to advance and disseminate scientific knowledge to improve human health. It provides objective, timely, authoritative information and advice concerning health and science policy.
Child Trend Data Banks
The one-stop-shop for the latest national trends and research for over 70 key indicators of children and youth well-being, with new indicators added month. Provided by Child Trends, a national leader in the field for over 20 years.
Children’s Safety Network (CSN)
Site contains publications and resources produced by CSN and other EDC injury prevention projects. Youth Suicide Prevention Fact Sheet Packet is available for downloading.
American Psychiatric Association
The APA is medical specialty society recognized world-wide. Its member physicians work together to ensure human care and effective treatment for all persons with mental disorder, including mental retardation and substance-related disorders. It is the voice and conscience of modern psychiatry. Its vision is a society that has available, accessible quality psychiatric diagnosis and treatment.
Families for Depression Awareness
To help families recognize and cope with depressive disorders.
The QPR Institute
The QPR Institute offers comprehensive suicide prevention training programs, educational and clinical materials for the general public, professionals, and institutions. QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.
The QPR Institute offers an electronic version of the best-selling book Suicide: the Forever Decision, for Those Thinking about Suicide and for those Who Know, Love and Counsel Them by Paul Quinnett, Ph.D. available as a free download. The Institute thanks Reese Butler and the staff of the Kristin Brooks Hopeline Network (1-800-SUICIDE – Toll Free) for facilitating this new, e-version third edition of the book.
Is a free service of the Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice at San Diego State University.
Injury Prevention On-Line
The professional journal Injury Prevention’s site is open to raise the profile of injury prevention in the UK and to provide a resource for injury prevention for workers world-wide.
American Psychological Association
The largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and the world’s largest association of psychologist. APA works to advance psychology as a science, as a professional, and as a means of promoting human welfare.
World Health Organization (WHO): Mental Health – Suicide Prevention
The World Health Organization, the United Nations specialized agency for health, was established on 7 April 1948. WHO’s objective, as set out in its Constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is defined in WHO’s Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
WHO is governed by 192 Member States through the World Health Assembly. The Health Assembly is composed of representatives from WHO’s Member States. The main tasks of the World Health Assembly are to approve the WHO programme and the budget for the following biennium and to decide major policy questions.
International Association of Suicide Prevention (IASP)
IASP provides a forum for national and local suicide prevention organizations, researchers, volunteers, clinicians and professionals to share knowledge, provide support and collaborate in suicide prevention around the world.
Find Resources in your region.
A Journey Toward Health and Hope: Your Handbook for Recovery After a Suicide Attempt
This handbook guides people through the first steps toward recovery and a hopeful future after a suicide attempt. Includes personal stories from survivors who share their experiences as well as strategies, such as re-establishing connections and finding a counselor to work with.
The Way Forward
We highly recommend the resources listed at the end of “The Way Forward:”
Support For Families and Friends
A guide
A Guide for Taking Care of Your Family Member After Treatment in the Emergency Department.
Attempt Survivors in the Media
We work well with the media. Contact the division director, Dr. DeQuincy Lezine, at [email protected]
Our emergence has received some high-profile coverage. A few examples:
- The New York Times:
Suicide Prevention Shed a Taboo: Talking About Attempts - National Public Radio:
Suicide Attempt Survivors Seek A Voice In Helping Others At Risk - The Boston Globe:
Suicide-attempt survivors go public in hope of aiding many at risk
Personal Stories
The federal government (SAMHSA) is publishing a booklet for attempt survivors drawing on personal interviews.
- Live Through This: A national series of portraits of attempt survivors, by division member Dese’Rae Stage:
Live through this - Talking About Suicide: Dozens of interviews with attempt survivors, by division member Cara Anna:
Talking about suicide
How can you help
Here’s a guide: Help guide
Support Groups
List of all known attempt survivor support groups: All Support Group
Manual for Support Groups
This detailed guide by Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services in Los Angeles has been listed in the Suicide Prevention Resource Center’s best practice registry. Manual for Support Groups for Suicide Attempt Survivors
The Center for Dignity, Recovery & Empowerment
This San Francisco organization headed by division member Eduardo Vega is pioneering a number of projects for attempt survivors, including a support group and speakers’ bureau: Dignity, Recovery & Empowerment